Earl Griffin is a certified personal trainer, born and raised in Boston, MA. He has dedicated his life and career to working out, fitness, and overall body health. He is the CEO and founder of Almighty Fitness Inc, and is also the co-owner of Under One Roof Fitness Center located at 24 North Street, Randolph, MA. Earl is an ISSA (International Sports Science Association) certified personal trainer and nutritionist who is recognized as one of the leading fitness trainers in the South Shore area.
Earl is a specialist in the role of exercise in improving how the body works and functions, macro-coaching, meal prep and planning, and fat/weight loss. Additionally, Earl has competed in the OCD Spirit of American (All-Natural) Body Building Competition and placed. He has a genuine passion for natural physique work.
Earl teaches, inspires, and motivates people one-on-one and in small group settings at his personal training center. He does this in person or online with customized exercise programs that help people reach their personal goals.
Earl’s training style is heavy weight, high volume, and, most importantly, understanding that there will be no shortcuts, just hard work.
Almighty Fitness Inc
-Earl Griffin